Frequently Asked . . .

Check out what Paula from Salad in a Jar has to say about the Kleynhuis Pouch! Read her honest review, plus browse all of her other practical recipes and tips. She and her web site are packed with great ideas.

I can’t decide between the nylon and cotton version. Which should I choose?

I did numerous yogurt-straining experiments in my kitchen to come up with the overall design for the Kleynhuis Straining Pouch. So, while you can’t go wrong with choosing either the organic cotton or the nylon one, here are the advantages I see of one version versus the other:

Nylon Version: This is the version I personally use when I am making Greek yogurt. Why I love it is that the 100-micron weave is very fine. Most other nylon straining bags I’ve seen on the market are a 200-micron weave. (A micron is one millionth of a meter, which means the smaller the number, the finer the weave.) Because of the tight weave, I know that all the yogurt solids are staying in the pouch. Also, because of the shape and quality of the nylon, it is extremely easy to clean and dry.

Summary: Super easy to clean and dry. Very fine weave.

–Organic Cotton Version: Initially when going into production, I was only planning to produce the 100-micron nylon version of the pouch. But after doing some research, I realized that for food straining, many kitchen DIY-ers prefer only natural materials touching their food. Cotton is an organic product, so there are natural variations in the thread, and the tightness of the weave cannot be measured in microns since there will be expected variations. But, I experimented with this particular organic cotton with yogurt straining and found that it produces results very similar to the 100-micron nylon fabric. Another added benefit of the organic cotton version is that it is safe to strain hot food and water (even above the boiling point), compared to the nylon version which is a synthetic material and should only be used to strain food that is cool to warm to the touch. So, for instance, the cotton version could be used to strain hot jelly from the stove, or used to make a large quantity of hot coffee.

Summary: Organic material that can be used to strain both hot and cold food.

So, my bottom-line recommendation is that if straining yogurt is your main or only reason for purchasing the pouch, I’d go with the nylon version. If having only organic materials touch your food is important to you or if you may also want to use the pouch to strain hot food/liquid, I’d go with the organic cotton version.


What’s the easiest way to clean my Kleynhuis Pouch?

I’ve found that the best way to clean my Kleynhuis Pouch is to leave it on the colander and thoroughly spray the sides with hot water, empty the contents, and repeat 2–3 times. Then I take the pouch off the colander and swish it clean in hot, soapy water. To rinse, I place it back in the colander and rinse it with very hot water and wring it dry. Hang it by the string and it should be dry in 2–4 hours, depending on the fabric, but I usually let it dry overnight. Check out my youtube video demonstration.

The starter you use when making yogurt vastly changes the taste results. Check out and you will literally find over 30 different heirloom yogurt starters to choose from! You can also easily order these cultures from Amazon! The quality and care that have gone into this product can’t be beat.